False Teachers of the Faith

False Teachers of the Faith

Jude 1: 4 (NIV)

“For certain individuals whose condemnation was written about long ago have secretly slipped in among you. They are ungodly people, who pervert the grace of our God into a license for immorality….” – Jude 1: 4 (NIV)

In verse 4 of the Book of  Jude, Jude issues a warning that is applicable even more today. Certain men have crept in unnoticed: In part, this is what makes them so dangerous – they are unnoticed. No one noticed that they were dangerous. They didn’t wear a “Danger: False Teacher” name tag. These certain men probably claimed to be more biblical than anyone else.

False teachers are constantly among believers. Therefore, we must know the Gospel, so when these false teachers come in with their false messages, while they may sound good, upon closer examination, you will realise that what they are saying does not align with the Gospel message. 

“Crept in means “To slip in secretly as if by a side door.” (Robertson) “Satan knows right well that one devil in the church can do far more than a thousand devils outside her bounds.” (Spurgeon) These false teachings were unnoticed by men but not by God. The Lord is not caught unawares hence the warnings to be watchful and to be active in contending for the faith. It is critical in our walk. The truth will win out; our responsibility is to be on the correct side of truth. 

We must contend earnestly for the truth, the truth all believers hold in common. In our world, we observe how the truth of the Gospel is perverse and twisted to suit the circumstances in our society. We don’t have the option to simply make up our faith and still be true to God. This faith is for all, but today, it isn’t popular to follow and be true to. Instead, most people want to believe in the faith they make up as they go along and decide what is right for them. More people believe in “the faith that is in my heart” than the faith once and for all delivered to the saints. 

Today, let us be encouraged to be true to God, to be true to the Gospel, and to contend for the faith. Say no to itching ears.


Lord, help me in my faith walk to be true to the Gospel and help me to be aware of false teachers and teachings. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Read: Acts 6:7; Colossians 2:7

Bible Reading Guide: Psalms 119:137-144; Hebrews 3; Joel 1; Joel 2:1-17

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